Hours of Operation
M F // 10am – 10pm
T W TH // 6am – 10pm
Sat Sun // 8am – 8pm
No min contract. Unlimited freezing at $7/month. Does not include WA state tax or $50 initiation fee.
Individual Monthly EFT $87/month
Youth Add-On $40/month (13 and under)
Membership includes:
Access to all available Vertical World locations
2 guest passes per month
*reset on the 1st and a specific guest can only use a pass every 30 days
Unlimited Yoga classes
*Seattle location only
10% off retail items
*excluding food and drink
Discounts on classes and offerings
Credit card on file for easy invoicing without card in hand
Gym Rates
Daily Rate $23
Youth Daily Rate (Ages 3 – 5) $10
Youth Daily Rate (Ages 6 – 13) $16
10 Visit Punch Card $190
10 Visit Youth Punch Card $144
One Month Pass $96 (Valid at North Gym Only)
Student One Month Pass $70 (Valid at North Gym Only)
(3 months maximum per student upon purchase; must provide current student enrollment validation)
**All passes non-refundable**
Gear Rentals
Shoes $7
Harness $5
*Limited supply available. Use at your own risk.
Gym Closures
January 1st: Gym Closed
February 8th/9th: Bouldering Area Closed
July 4th: Gym Closed
Thanksgiving: Gym Closed
December 24th: Gym Closes at 4pm
December 25th: Gym Closed
December 31st: Gym Closes at 4pm